Sunday, October 19, 2014

Strange abuse stories

Hey, so lately I've been looking into finding an interesting topic for this week's abuse blog, I've come across an idea of telling you about abuse in a spot where you`d least expect it, a nursing home.

In Toronto, a seventy- one year old women with dementia (A mental illness like Alzheimer's) was sexually abused by a male nurse would randomly disappear without a reason and no one knew where he would go. During the middle of the night he was spotted sexually abusing the helpless 71 year old.

Another time a nurse from the North York nursing home physically abused an elderly at the home and told a witness not to tell anyone. Later on police discovered that, that witness along with another had seen the incident and not said anything about it.

There are many cases of abuse at nursing homes that are so severe that ministry inspectors have suggested they notify the police. Almost every single time they have either waited a long time until they actually reported the police or they completely dropped the issue to avoid bad publicity for their home. Most of the time the abuser is either a nurse, maid or another staff member but in the rare case the abuser has been a resident for the home. Every month more than ten residents from nursing homes across Ontario are abused, in many different ways whether it’s verbally, physically or sexually it happens.

In my opinion, this is disgusting i was so surprised to hear it. They hurt these poor elderly people, because they either have a mental condition or they're simply too old to live alone they can’t protect themselves, because these younger people are much stronger and have more power over them. I think, that they need to hire more staff and be careful who they hire and who they rent out their rooms to.



  1. I can't imagine why someone would hurt someone else especially when they can barely defend themselves. They're supposed to be helping them instead they just take advantage of them. They should make sure people aren't a danger to others before hiring them. It's sad that people have to worry about these things when placing their loved one in a nursing home. I think your blog is very inforrmative. Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow, this blog is very interesting and this post is very shocking. I would never think that a nursing home, a place for the elderly to feel secure and loved would be a place of sexual abuse. I cannot imagine how someone would abuse such a helpless person. But that mostly the cases in sexual abuse the abusers want them to feel helpless. They should double-check who they hire before they give someone that specific job. Interesting blog! Keep up the good work.

  3. i love your blog Emma, it shocks me but interests me at the same time. All the different types of abuse out there are so shocking but are also very interesting to learn about. I don't understand why someone would want to hurt someone else but the subject is so intriguing keep up the good work.

  4. Goodness! This news sickens me, I never would have thought that there'd be so much abuse in a place dedicated to caring for our elders! I think nursing homes should be more strict about this, and hire staff who are willing to always be kind and understanding.
