Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Different types of abuse

Hey guys so this week I was thinking about just writing a little bit of information about all the different types of abuse. Many people don’t notice that there’s more than just physical which really surprises some people. There are a total of 9 types of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, verbal, financial and neglect. Some of these types of abuse are not as severe as others but are still a problem in our society.

The first  type of abuse is physical. This type of abuse is when someone physically harms someone or uses an object to control someone else into doing something or to scare them off so that way they don’t do it again. Example: A school bully hits you because they said that you were in their way.

Next is sexual, now I’m not going to go into too much detail for obvious reasons but the main idea is when one person forces someone else to take part in sexual activities that they don’t want to be a part of.

Third is emotional, which is very similar to verbal but they are still two different things. A person feels emotionally abused when someone says something to them that makes them feel worthless and that they don’t even deserve to be here. People who are emotionally abused often result to suicide. Example someone telling you that you’re not loved and that you should die.

Psychological, when someone threatens you to control you and make you do what they want, they want you to fear them.  Example: threatening to harm someone or their family.

Next we have spiritual, this occurs when an individual uses what you believe in to control you and do whatever they want. Example: They tell you that god would hate you unless you do a certain task.

Cultural is when an individual bullies you because of your religion and your practices( e. praying).  Example: Someone catches you praying and laughs at you and insults you.

Our seventh form of abuse is verbal, this one is very common and it happens all around us every day. Verbal abuse is when someone says things to make you feel inferior. Example: ­Im so much prettier than you you’re ugly.

Financial, financial abuse is when someone takes control of your financial issues or controls how your money is used. Example: your child takes your credit card and spends more money than you can afford to lose.

Finally there’s neglect. This is when you can provide assistance to someone in need, but you ignore it and pretend you can’t help. Example: Someone needs a pencil and you have lots of extras but pretend like you only have one.

I think people need to realise that theres much more than physical abuse and I'm sure most of us see abuse in many different ways each day. I hope that I taught some of you something, and that you along with many others can look out for people and stand up to abuse. 




  1. This post is really interesting Emma, I never realized the different kinds of abuse, you made me realize that abuse is a big problem in our society these days. Im looking forward to reading more on abuse in the future! Keep up the great work!

  2. I didn't realize how many different abuses there are, especially the emotional abuse... abuse is something that happens everyday and it does need awareness because there are alot of people out there in the world that are facing abuse. I think your blog is very interesting and I can't wait for your other posts.

  3. Thank you Mia, i totally agree with you when i was doing my research i was completely shocked by what i had found and very fascinated by the different kinds of abuse, most of them shocked me because i had no idea that they even existed.
