Friday, October 24, 2014

Animal abuse


For this week`s blog I decided to show you that abuse isn`t always towards people and can be towards animals too. When a poor innocent animal`s owner get angry or frustrated they often take it out on their animal, which is completely unfair an very similar to my last blog. about abuse in nursing homes because they can`t defend themselves. Even if they`re not getting physical they could still be harming people.

Animal abuse can be separated into two categories; neglect and intentional physical abuse. Physical abuse is the one that we hear about either on social media, TV or in the newspaper. These cases are more severe and that’s why people hear about them more. If someone with anger problems for example; lost their job, they might take it out on their pet by physically harming them to the point where they bleed or develop serious medical conditions, because they were harmed very badly.
When people hear the word neglect they often think ``oh they just don`t spend enough time with their pets that`s not a big deal``. However, this is not the case. Neglect is when an owner fails to provide food water and shelter and veterinary care for their animal. Not giving your animal enough attention can be a problem especially if it`s a dog. Because they need human interaction and have to be walked frequently. In extreme cases owners don`t adjust or buy a new collar for their pet as they age and it starts to be a part of them and grow into their skin or they don`t get their nails/claws cut and they commence growing upwards back into their paws.

In my opinion, people that own pet stores and  are selling baby animals should make sure they know who they`re selling to prevent animal abuse. Also, if you want a dog or cat but work a lot of hours and have no one home should not have pets because animals do need attention. Many people don`t realize it and that`s why I wrote this blog to bring awareness and hope that people see that they`re neglecting their pet and need to stop it. Abuse towards animals can happen in many ways and every so often it isn`t noticable because it`s not on purpose. I think that maybe people should get questioned on how often they will be gone and to see if they will be able to support the pet before they can actually adopt it. Hopefully this will prevent neglect towards pets and they will get the attention they deserve. 


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Strange abuse stories

Hey, so lately I've been looking into finding an interesting topic for this week's abuse blog, I've come across an idea of telling you about abuse in a spot where you`d least expect it, a nursing home.

In Toronto, a seventy- one year old women with dementia (A mental illness like Alzheimer's) was sexually abused by a male nurse would randomly disappear without a reason and no one knew where he would go. During the middle of the night he was spotted sexually abusing the helpless 71 year old.

Another time a nurse from the North York nursing home physically abused an elderly at the home and told a witness not to tell anyone. Later on police discovered that, that witness along with another had seen the incident and not said anything about it.

There are many cases of abuse at nursing homes that are so severe that ministry inspectors have suggested they notify the police. Almost every single time they have either waited a long time until they actually reported the police or they completely dropped the issue to avoid bad publicity for their home. Most of the time the abuser is either a nurse, maid or another staff member but in the rare case the abuser has been a resident for the home. Every month more than ten residents from nursing homes across Ontario are abused, in many different ways whether it’s verbally, physically or sexually it happens.

In my opinion, this is disgusting i was so surprised to hear it. They hurt these poor elderly people, because they either have a mental condition or they're simply too old to live alone they can’t protect themselves, because these younger people are much stronger and have more power over them. I think, that they need to hire more staff and be careful who they hire and who they rent out their rooms to.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Different types of abuse

Hey guys so this week I was thinking about just writing a little bit of information about all the different types of abuse. Many people don’t notice that there’s more than just physical which really surprises some people. There are a total of 9 types of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual, cultural, verbal, financial and neglect. Some of these types of abuse are not as severe as others but are still a problem in our society.

The first  type of abuse is physical. This type of abuse is when someone physically harms someone or uses an object to control someone else into doing something or to scare them off so that way they don’t do it again. Example: A school bully hits you because they said that you were in their way.

Next is sexual, now I’m not going to go into too much detail for obvious reasons but the main idea is when one person forces someone else to take part in sexual activities that they don’t want to be a part of.

Third is emotional, which is very similar to verbal but they are still two different things. A person feels emotionally abused when someone says something to them that makes them feel worthless and that they don’t even deserve to be here. People who are emotionally abused often result to suicide. Example someone telling you that you’re not loved and that you should die.

Psychological, when someone threatens you to control you and make you do what they want, they want you to fear them.  Example: threatening to harm someone or their family.

Next we have spiritual, this occurs when an individual uses what you believe in to control you and do whatever they want. Example: They tell you that god would hate you unless you do a certain task.

Cultural is when an individual bullies you because of your religion and your practices( e. praying).  Example: Someone catches you praying and laughs at you and insults you.

Our seventh form of abuse is verbal, this one is very common and it happens all around us every day. Verbal abuse is when someone says things to make you feel inferior. Example: ­Im so much prettier than you you’re ugly.

Financial, financial abuse is when someone takes control of your financial issues or controls how your money is used. Example: your child takes your credit card and spends more money than you can afford to lose.

Finally there’s neglect. This is when you can provide assistance to someone in need, but you ignore it and pretend you can’t help. Example: Someone needs a pencil and you have lots of extras but pretend like you only have one.

I think people need to realise that theres much more than physical abuse and I'm sure most of us see abuse in many different ways each day. I hope that I taught some of you something, and that you along with many others can look out for people and stand up to abuse. 


Sunday, October 5, 2014



 In this week’s blog I am going to being talking more about statistics, I know in my introduction I've already discussed a few statistic but that was only to start to catch people’s attention. Now that I have a few people that have already read my blog. I would like to show them that the numbers are even bigger than they thought. I'm going to talk primarily about the countries with the highest abuse rates and the countries with the lowest etc...

In many countries across the world children are being abused in many different ways every few minutes. South Africa is at the top of the list with the highest abuse rates, every 3 minutes an African child is abused in some sort of way. The second country is India over 48,000 abuse cases were recorded in 2011, keep in mind that not every case is reported. Zimbabwe is placed third, over 30,000 boys and girls were treated at clinics after their heart wrenching experience. The United Kingdom is the next runner up because every 1 in 200 adults is a pedophile. The country with the fifth highest rates of abuse is the United States, 28% of teens between the age of 14 and 17 have been sexually victimized in their lifetime.

Indonesia has the lowest abuse rates in people of all ages, Second is Serbia followed by the UAE ( United Arab Emirates), Japan and lastly Canada. The sexual abuse statistics were at its highest in 1979, every 3 in 1000 people were sexually abused. I'm glad to announce that the numbers have dropped tremendously since then at a total of 0.5 people out of every thousand. 

In my opinion, the reason this happens a lot more than expected is because people are afraid to stand up once they're being abused. If you know of someone who has been abused or are still being abused in any sort of way and are afraid to speak up or don't want to do it alone, you can visit Kids Help Phone here's the link to their website
 I hope you've all learnt something and thank you for reading.
