Friday, September 19, 2014

Introduction to abuse

This blog is going to talk all about abuse. In my opinion, abuse is a big issue that affects our society and everyday life. Many people don`t realize it but abuse affects 35% of girls and 16% of boys between the 7th and 12th grade. 1 in 3 females and 1 in 6 males in Canada will encounter some kind of abuse at a young age. A lot of people don't understand how common it is, because it hasn't affected them personally. I think by writing a blog about it and including stories, I could really bring the subject to people's attention and maybe one day reduce the rates of all different kinds of abuse. It's sometimes a hard topic to discuss, but I think more people should shed some light on the subject for those who don't fully understand the concept.

Almost everyone I know would be surprised by the statistics of abuse, approximately 38% of people who sexually assault someone know the victim one way or another and is rarely a stranger. The worst part is that 44% of victims are under the age of 18, meaning they are helpless young children who can't do anything to stop it. More than half of these assaults are not reported, meaning almost one hundred percent of rapists are sent to jail (97% to be exact). This is not including physical  or verbal abuse.

Personally I think, everyone who thinks that abuse is not a big deal and that it rarely happens need to take  minute and think about this, because it does happen and it happens a lot. Just because it hasn't happened to them personally, they don't care.But what they don't know is, it could happen. Someone in america is assaulted in some type of way every 2 minutes. Hopefully more people will start understanding this serious issue and we can help lower those statistics.



  1. Wow Emma ! I'm very surprised with all these stats. They are very surprising to know how high they all are. I will be looking forward to following up with you and your blog. Personally I think this is a great subject to be writing about because, yes, it does happen in our everyday life and I'm not sure everyone is aware of that.

  2. Mia, thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my first blog. I really appreciate it. When i found out the statistics i was very surprised as well I hope you learn something new throughout the course of this project by reading my blog and I look forward to hearing from you again.

  3. Hi Emma, I like your blog showing us how much people are abuse.This abuse needs to stop, it is not right and I like how you are talking about this and showing people how much abuse there is. It's crazy when you look at those numbers, keep up the information. thanks Emma great blog can't wait what you got in store for us next

  4. I really like your blog. Sadly it brings back sad memories. I know someone that was raped but when she went to court, the papist was not proven guilty. Abuse exists everywhere but everyone will be rewarded for their actions. I've learned to stop depending on Judges or lawyers. I depend on God only when it comes to these kind things.

  5. Well, these statistics are certainly alarming. Abuse is indeed a big problem, it can damage someone physically and mentally, sometimes leaving a permanent impact. Perhaps your blog could help bring awareness to this.
