Thursday, January 15, 2015

In conclusion

 Hey guys! This is unfortunately going to be my last blog. My main purpose for this blog was to get a good grade but it was also about bringing attention to the things that go on in the world around us. I`m really hoping that you guys all learnt something you didn`t already know and can use it to your advantage to help stop these assaults.

I would just like to go over what abuse is one more time, it`s when you assault someone either mentally, physically, verbally, sexually or spiritually. When you try to control what someone else does or says and you use your height or your strength to make the other person scared. Abuse is a misuse of power. This IS illegal. There is also isolation or neglect and many others but the ones listed above are the basics. This happens all over the world all the time.

Did you know that 90%of sexual abuse victims know them some how and 68% of the abusers are a family member. Also 14%of all men and 36%of all women in jail were abused at one point in their childhood. Plus, more adults or elders that are abused are very dependent on their abuser for basic needs and assistance.

In my opinion, these statistics are absolutely insane. The reason most people turn out the way they do is because something terrible happened to them in their past and they feel like they need to either get the hatred out of them or they want to be heard for the first time in their lives. 5.3 million Women are abused in their own homes each year in the United States. I really hope this blog helps stop all kinds of abuse towards everyone who gets it. I know it can`t stop it completely but even if it changes one person’s life it will make a difference. Thank you all so much for reading and stay safe!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hate crimes

We have finally reached the last blog before my conclusion and I would like to talk about something that has really to come my attention and needs to be said; hate crimes. For those of you who don`t know what a hate crime is it`s a criminal offense based on someone’s  race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability or sexual orientation. It`s when someone either does something to you or something you own because of the things listed above they do terrible things to you because you`re different. Hate crimes almost always involve a type of abuse whether it`s physical, verbal sexual and many other things. These victims are being assaulted for being themselves not because they did something bad in the past or hurt one of the assaulters. Here is a list of things that these kinds of people can do during a hate crime:

-Violence, threats of violence,
-Acts of mischief or vandalism
-Distribution of hate mail,
-Threatening phone calls,
-Destruction of religious property

In my opinion hate crimes are just plain stupid. Why does it matter if someone is catholic or any other religion it doesn`t affect you. Everyone has the same rights as you do so if they want to be catholic or Jewish or Muslim you can`t change that it`s their right. Unless it affects your life somehow which it doesn`t I don`t see what the big deals is. No one is saying anything to you about your race or religion because you have freedom of speech and the right to live, you could be black or white or blue for all I care their skin colour doesn`t ruin your life in any way so leave them be. This just really bothers me and I can`t believe that after all these years we haven`t gotten past prejudism and discrimination. A good example of a hate crime is Adolf Hitler. He didn`t know any of those people but he still did what he did because of their religion when really it didn`t influence his life in any negative way. I hope that one day we can finally get over this because we are all equal. 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Professional abuse

I was recently reading more on the different types of abuse that there are and came across one that was a little different and unfamiliar: Professional abuse. In most professional jobs where they have regular clients such as a therapist or a lawyer they can`t tell anybody about what’s going on at their jobs like their families. Professional abuse is when a therapist, lawyer or any type of job like that tells people about what goes on at their work. This is a serious crime; you can go to jail or be fined for exploiting your clients. A few of the main things clients are supposed to be able to count on when they have a lawyer or therapist is trust and confidentiality. This is someone you`re allowed to talk to when you need help with something and not have to worry about anyone else knowing.

In my opinion this is very disrespectful and I`m glad that these offenders get punished. When someone needs a therapist it`s because they need someone to talk to that they know can`t tell anyone and can help them out. When you tell your family and friends about your clients it makes them vulnerable. Anyone can take advantage of them now from one way or another and it needs to stop. Also, if you are a lawyer you are not allowed to tell anyone for the reason that someone can take apart your case. Depending on who you spread it to the other side might find out your arguments and you could lose. In my opinion, if you don`t like how you can`t talk about your job with your friends you shouldn`t choose this profession. These people go to you because they know you can help and that it will be confidential if you can`t accept that than I think you need to pick a new profession.
